Monday, December 13, 2010

Addendum to Friday's Freakout

So, maybe I am cracking up just a little bit. I just reread that blog and I'm sort of sorry that I posted it. I'm not sorry that I wrote it, but it was pretty harsh to put out there. Things are not as bad as I want to think. I'm just a pessimist. I've been a pessimist all my life I think. At least most of my adult life.

We put the tree up on Friday evening. What a shock to me. I wrote that blog and then arrived home to my hubby, kids and mother-in-law putting the tree up. I was obviously in a bad mood. But I escaped to my room, had a few quiet moments and then went to help with my happy face on. Well, then the lights do what they always do and the twinkling brought me around. I can't be unhappy around Christmas lights. Damn them. So, things are better today. Let's hope they stay that way.

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