Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who invited my boss?

I have been craving Jose Peppers for several days now. For those of you not from KC, its a pretty good Mexican place down here. There is one near work so I mentioned it to a couple of co-workers on Tuesday. They said, we'll if you can wait until Wednesday, I'll go. So I decided I could suffer through and wait for company. I do so hate eating alone! This guy Joe asked if it would be okay for him to invite a couple of people. I said, Sure, No problem. The more the merrier, right? Wrong. I was the last one to arrive at what I was now calling my party (cause I has started the whole thing with my craving). I brought two of my co-workers with me. I arrived to a table of 7 people already there and I added 3! And who is sitting in the middle of the mess? That's right. My boss! Who would invite my boss? Don't get me wrong, but my meal was still very good. I recommend the Pollo Magnifico. But I guess I didn't feel as free to speak my mind or as free to sit a little longer with him there. Kind of put a damper on the lunch hour!

So, I'm back at my desk, thinking I should have left that last bit of rice on my plate when my phone rings! Its my good friend, Corey. She wants to meet for supper. You'll NEVER guess where she wanted to go!! Ok, I guess you can. Jose Peppers! So I'm thinking, ahh, redemption! I can now go, enjoy the food and company and sit as darn long as I want to! And I did!

So, I ate Jose Peppers twice today. Loved it both times. The Chicken Monterrey burrito is good as well! But I think I liked the Pollo Magnifico better!

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